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class fynance.neural_networks.RollAggrMultiNeuralNet(*args, agg_fun='mean', **kwargs)

Rolling Aggregated Multi Neural Networks object allow you to train several neural networks along training periods (from t - n to t), predict along testing periods (from t to t + s) and aggregate prediction following a specified rule and roll along this time axis.

y : np.ndarray[np.float32, ndim=2] with shape=(T, 1)

Target to estimate or predict.

X : np.ndarray[np.float32, ndim=2] with shape=(T, N)

Features (inputs).

NN : list of keras.Model

Neural network to train and predict.

y_train : np.ndarray[np.float64, ndim=1]

Prediction on training set.

y_estim : np.ndarray[np.float64, ndim=1]

Prediction on estimating set.


run(y, X, NN, plot_loss=True, plot_perf=True, x_axis=None) Train several rolling neural networks along pre-specified training period and predict along test period. Display loss and performance if specified.
__call__(y, X, NN, start=0, end=1e8, x_axis=None) Callable method to set target and features data, neural network object (Keras object is prefered).
__iter__() Train and predict along time axis from day number n to last day number T and by step of size s period.
aggregate(mat_pred, y, t=0, t_s=-1) Method to aggregate predictions from several neural networks.
set_aggregate(*args) Set your own aggregation method.
plot_loss(self, f, ax) Plot loss function
plot_perf(self, f, ax) Plot perfomances.