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Tools to backtest module

Some tools to plot strategy’s performances, rolling sharpe or drawdowns and to display some metrics and statistics.

fynance.backtest.display_perf(y_idx, y_est) Print dynamic plot of performance indicators (perf, rolling sharpe and draw down) of a strategy (raw and iso-volatility) versus its underlying.
fynance.backtest.set_text_stats(underly[, …]) Set a table as string with different indicators (accuracy, perf, vol and sharpe) for underlying and several strategies.
fynance.backtest.display_perf(y_idx, y_est, period=252, title='', params_iv={}, plot_drawdown=True, plot_roll_sharpe=True, x_axis=None, underlying='Underlying', win=252, fees=0)

Print dynamic plot of performance indicators (perf, rolling sharpe and draw down) of a strategy (raw and iso-volatility) versus its underlying.

y_idx : np.ndarray[np.float64, ndim=1]

Time series of log-returns of the underlying.

y_est : np.ndarray[np.float64, ndim=1]

Time series of the signal’s strategy.

period : int, optional

Number of period per year. Default is 252.

title : str or list of str, optional

Title of performance strategy, default is empty.

plot_drawdown : bool, optional

If true plot drawdowns, default is True.

plot_roll_sharpe : bool, optional

If true plot rolling sharpe ratios, default is True.

x_axis : list or np.asarray, optional

x-axis to plot (e.g. list of dates).

underlying : str, optional

Name of the underlying, default is ‘Underlying’.

win : int, optional

Size of the window of rolling sharpe, default is 252.

fees : float, optional

Fees to apply at the strategy performance.

perf_idx : np.ndarray[np.float64, ndim=1]

Time series of underlying performance.

perf_est : np.ndarray[np.float64, ndim=1]

Time series of raw strategy performance.

perf_ivo : np.ndarray[np.float64, ndim=1]

Time series of iso-vol strategy performance.

fynance.backtest.set_text_stats(underly, period=252, accur=True, perf=True, vol=True, sharp=True, calma=True, underlying='Underlying', fees=0, **kwpred)

Set a table as string with different indicators (accuracy, perf, vol and sharpe) for underlying and several strategies.

underly : np.ndarray[ndim=1, dtype=np.float64]

Series of underlying prices.

period : int, optional

Number of period per day, default is 252.

accur : bool, optional

If true compute accuracy else not, default is True.

perf : bool, optional

If true compute performance else not, default is True.

vol : bool, optional

If true compute volatility else not, default is True.

sharp : bool, optional

If true compute sharpe ratio else not, default is True.

calma : bool, optional

If true compute calmar ratio else not, default is True.

underlying : str, optional

Name of the underlying, default is ‘Underlying’.

kwpred : dict of np.ndarray

Any strategies or predictions that you want to compare.

fees : float, optional

Fees to apply at the strategy performance.

txt : str

Table of results.