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fynance.models.econometric_models.ARMAX_GARCH(y, x, phi, psi, theta, alpha, beta, c, omega, p, q, Q, P)

AutoRegressive Moving Average model of order q and p, such that:

\[y_t = c + \phi_1 * y_{t-1} + ... + \phi_p * y_{t-p} + \psi_t * x_t + \theta_1 * u_{t-1} + ... + \theta_q * u_{t-q} + u_t\]

With Generalized AutoRegressive Conditional Heteroskedasticity volatility model of order Q and P, such that:

\[ \begin{align}\begin{aligned}u_t = z_t * h_t\\h_t^2 = \omega + \alpha_1 * u^2_{t-1} + ... + \alpha_Q * u^2_{t-Q} + \beta_1 * h^2_{t-1} + ... + \beta_P * h^2_{t-P}\end{aligned}\end{align} \]
y : np.ndarray[np.float64, ndim=1]

Time series.

x : np.ndarray[np.float64, ndim=2]

Time series of external features.

phi : np.ndarray[np.float64, ndim=1]

Coefficients of AR model.

psi : np.ndarray[np.float64, ndim=1]

Coefficients of external features.

theta : np.ndarray[np.float64, ndim=1]

Coefficients of MA model.

alpha : np.ndarray[np.float64, ndim=1]

Coefficients of MA part of GARCH.

beta : np.ndarray[np.float64, ndim=1]

Coefficients of AR part of GARCH.

c : np.float64

Constant of the model.

p : int

Order of AR(p) model.

q : int

Order of MA(q) model.

Q : int

Order of MA part of GARCH.

P : int

Order of AR part of GARCH.

u : np.ndarray[np.float64, ndim=1]

Residual of the model.

h : np.ndarray[np.float64, ndim=1]

Conditional volatility of the model.

See also